Carnival 2006
No Escola Samba Tropical parade, and a slightly less colorful parade on Tuesday, February 28, 2006, there were elections. Among the four officials, the group Olhos Radiosos from Monte Cara won.
Carnival 2005
Finally, the great parade of the carnival 2005 of Mindelo took place Tuesday February 8 in the afternoon, and not during two days as the organizers had envisaged it for a moment, to face the important number of groups presenting themselves to this edition.
There were six groups to march through the city center: Baianas do Mindelo, Sonhos sem Limites, Grupo de Calhau, Flor de Alecrim, Veteranos, Jovens de Monte Sossego and Ribeira Bote, whose very first outing was this. The well-known group Sonhos sem Limites ("Limitless dreams") won the competition.
A beautiful tribute was paid to the musician Luis Morais as well as to the emigrants, these Cape Verdeans who left country and family to live abroad.
One of the innovations of this very beautiful 2005 edition was the mobility of the jury; traditionally, the jury sat on a platform erected in front of the municipal market, rua de Lisboa. This year, with members of the jury distributed in the streets of Mindelo, the dancers had to support the effort all along the course and not only in the straight line of the rua de Lisboa.
Carnival 2004
After the superb 2003 edition which had received the support of many large Portuguese-speaking towns, it was expected that the 2004 Carnival (21-24 February) would pale in comparison, especially since Mindelo was busy around the municipal elections organized a month after the parade.
But despite the absence of the usual large groups, despite the small number of groups and their relative inexperience, there were several thousand extras and it has been a beautiful parade, with an amazing performance of Samba Tropical on Monday evening and a nice outing of the small Sirius group on Saturday evening.
Carnival 2003
A dazzling parade in that year 2003 when Mindelo had the status of capital of Portuguese speaking. Three official groups took part in the parade on March 4: Monte Sossego, Vindos do Oriente, Vindos do Brasil. Nice participation of the animation groups...