Published on 2 April 2018
Updated on 15 February 2023
Seen 46597 times
Taking place from Friday February 9 to Wednesday February 14, with the grand parade on February 13 as its high point, the 2018 Mindelo Carnival saw the same groups compete as the previous year (Cruzeiros do Norte, Monte Sossego, Vindos do Oriente and Flores de Mindelo) who also kept the same positions in the final standings.
Group ranking
1. Vindos do Oriente 2. Monte Sossego 3. Cruzeiros do Norte 4. Flores do Mindelo
Published on 9 January 2018
Updated on 16 February 2023
Before the big parade
On Sundays in January and February, the Mandingas of the different dsitricts (Ribeira Bote, Espia, Fonte Filipe) organize parades with thousands of participants:
In this gallery: 36 photos
Saturday entertainment groups
In this gallery: 47 photos
The teachers
Saturday parade
In this gallery: 53 photos
A great spontaneous and popular parade
In this gallery: 85 photos
Tropical Samba
The prestigious Monday evening parade
In this gallery: 117 photos
The Grand Parade
Cruzeiros do Norte
In this gallery: 52 photos
Vindos do Oriente
In this gallery: 78 photos
Vindos do Oriente
The "Comissão de Frente"
In this gallery: 11 photos
Monte Sossego
In this gallery: 118 photos
Flores do Mindelo
In this gallery: 15 photos
Between the blocos, small animation groups put on the show:
In this gallery: 38 photos
Published on 2 April 2018
Updated on 7 February 2023
Numa volta pelos tempos áureos de história Montsú trouxe para “town†uma armada da realeza Montsú tem aquela riqueza como a rainha Sabá Tem a sabedoria do rei Salomão Nem Genghis Kham, nem Alexandre O Grande Seriam capazes de vencer esta grande nação Monsú